Why We Get Results

Why We Get Results

Our approach is adaptive and evidence-based and here are some examples of how we help you achieve important goals:

Therapeutic Play - Klint Kids
Maximizing Progress - Klint Kids
Thoughtful Touch - Klint Kids
Challenging the brain - Klint Kids
Measured Outcomes - Klint kids
How We Get Results
How We Get Results
How We Get Results
How We Get Results

We teach you about ways you can influence your child’s difficulties.

1. For a child who has stiffness/ spasticity, we explain what can make stiffness worse e.g. over excitement, anger, too much effort.
So we might set up a game in standing but to stop stiffness building too much we choose a simple game like a game of hangman or finding a hidden picture in a book rather than trying to build a tower. It would be better to support building the tower in sitting with a more relaxed body.

2. For a child who is more floppy/ low tone we want to excite the body and build up movement so then we use high energy, movement, lots of noise and excitement.
We would choose a fast song with cheering and lots of movement – sitting and standing.
We balance out fun and behaviour support to help your child achieve their goals. The right service will provide the right amount of support and challenge.

We show you how physio fits into your daily routine.

1 hour of physio a week in a 24h day supports rehabilitation however 24hour positioning addressing your whole routine making the biggest

We show you how you handle your child from carrying them, to playing, dressing, eating, sleeping.

We are realistic about how things really fit into family life. Family life and fun is our priority.

We listen and understand each family has been on a different journey to support their child and we will always be an advocate and want to support your child achieve their full potential. We support you in understanding the diagnosis, or take the time to understand what has and has not worked, and ensure we always check in with you to ensure we are on the same page.

As children grow up into teenagers, we believe there is a point where young peoples voices need to take charge and we want to empower them and fit activity around what is most important to them.

We are not into gimmicks and reliant on fancy equipment to achieve results. With careful use of handling and cues, we help your child learn to move and adapt to their surroundings in a variety of positions. We apply the principles of motor learning and neuroplasticity with our expert knowledge on developmental neurology, so we adjust and challenge the brain fully as your child grows up. With imagination and creativity, we can help you uncover multiple solutions and options to addressing a problem to help you achieve the desired outcome you’re looking or striving for.

We measure our progress in different ways. This can be through specific and scientifically validated outcome measures or observations, photos and videos of their movement tendencies. We ensure that we remain transparent and honest with you so you know exactly how your child is progressing and responding to treatment.

We are open about when thing are not working and make suggestions of how we can make more meaningful gains and how we can structure therapy in a different way.

  • We show you how physio fits into your daily routine.

    1 hour of physio a week in a 24h day supports rehabilitation however 24hour positioning addressing your whole routine making the biggest difference

    We show you how you handle your child from carrying them, to playing, dressing, eating, sleeping.

    We are realistic about how things really fit into family life. Family life and fun is our priority.

  • We show you how physio fits into your daily routine.

    1 hour of physio a week in a 24h day supports rehabilitation however 24hour positioning addressing your whole routine making the biggest difference

    We show you how you handle your child from carrying them, to playing, dressing, eating, sleeping.

    We are realistic about how things really fit into family life. Family life and fun is our priority.

  • We show you how physio fits into your daily routine.

    1 hour of physio a week in a 24h day supports rehabilitation however 24hour positioning addressing your whole routine making the biggest difference

    We show you how you handle your child from carrying them, to playing, dressing, eating, sleeping.

    We are realistic about how things really fit into family life. Family life and fun is our priority.

  • We show you how physio fits into your daily routine.

    1 hour of physio a week in a 24h day supports rehabilitation however 24hour positioning addressing your whole routine making the biggest difference

    We show you how you handle your child from carrying them, to playing, dressing, eating, sleeping.

    We are realistic about how things really fit into family life. Family life and fun is our priority.

  • We show you how physio fits into your daily routine.

    1 hour of physio a week in a 24h day supports rehabilitation however 24hour positioning addressing your whole routine making the biggest difference

    We show you how you handle your child from carrying them, to playing, dressing, eating, sleeping.

    We are realistic about how things really fit into family life. Family life and fun is our priority.